Saturday, September 18, 2010

A whole day without feeling any earthquakes

After writing my first blog I thought that I should probably have called the rumblings after all the earthquakes we have been having but hopefully they will fade away soon.  I felt as though I was tempting fate to say no earthquakes for a whole day but I haven't felt another one since writing it.  Craig is complaining that he doesn't wake up in the earthquakes unless he is being hugged rather ferociously.  I can't believe that anyone would complain about being hugged but there you have it.  He said that the other blokes at his work are all having the same problem and they all think they would sleep through the earthquakes if it wasn't for their partners!
The earthquake has been doing strange things to people.  Who would have thought that Bob Parker would become so popular that in the Auckland supercity he is the preferred mayor as well!
7.1 shakes are certainly enough to put everyone on edge but I think it is the aftershocks and the continuous broken sleep that doesn't help.
It is good the big storm didn't eventuate to anything much in Canterbury with everyone having broken houses it would not have helped to have snow in abundance as well.
Craig has enjoyed the fine weather he had me out in the garden yesterday and I pruned the rose garden and the proteas which has led to him weeding around the roses and laying horse manure with sawdust which he managed to get out Lincoln somewhere.  I hope the roses will come away again as it is rather late to be pruning them in spring.  I was still quite hard on them but not as hard as I would have been in winter.  It is amazing we have had roses flowering all through winter.  Not many but there has consistently been flowers but they have not been at their best but they have had some colour. Craig's enthusiasm for gardening is great.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The ramblings: Initial Posting

The ramblings: Initial Posting:
I thought that I should start to have a blog if I am going to make my students use one.  The only way to know how to use it effectivelyuse it is to practise myself.
There is a lot to talk about at the moment I am in the throes of the after shocks from the earthquake which is truly weird and makes life hard to concentrate. I should be counting my blessings because we only lost stuff and nothing structural happened to my house or my job.  There are so many others more severely affected.  However those of us who don't have anything tangible to show for the disaster certainly suffer from the jitters, lack of concentration and lack of sleep.  Most people are focussing on that no one died and most of us are ok if the after shocks would ease up which they are doing ever so slowly. I was also fortunate in that I had the Autism NZ conference in Wellington from Friday to Sunday.  It was very strange to be heading to Wellington to get respite from the after shocks.  After all Wellington has always been where the next big one is going to occur.  I had phantom earthquakes there that no one else felt for the first 24 hours but after that I got 2 good nights sleep and that helped settle me down as well.  I wasn't all that happy about leaving my husband on his own but my girlfriends all looked out for him while I was away.